Friday 22 March 2013

Welcome to our blog!

As we have said in the description, we are a group of history students from the University of Southampton, currently undertaking a Group Project module in which we conduct research into a particular topic. Our project is entitled, ‘A Vignette of a Georgian Family: Hampshire Gentry during the Age of Enlightenment.’

We’ll be focusing on relationships between family members, particularly siblings, as this is an area that has had little attention paid to it. Over the course of the blogs we will question what impact gender, education, marriage, long periods away from home, inheritance and the role of the heir had on the way brothers and sisters of the upper-classes related to each other.

We hope you’ll find our blog informative and entertaining; if you have any questions or suggestions for a topic you would be interested in knowing more about please use the comments box and we’ll get back to you.

Thanks for reading!

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